and this...
and THIS, which is horrible, evil, toxic Spreading Dogsbane, spreading everywhere as it's name implies, and simultaneously being choked by the equally/more(?) evil, horrible, toxic Morning Glory. God help me I don't know which to root for in this battle. It's too much to hope that they will kill each other off. It's more likely that the Forces of Evil will join up and form some sort of symbiotic truce and take over the whole farm. If I ever disappear without a trace, look for me in amongst the Dogsbane. And don't be fooled by those pretty flowers!
The Forces of Evil inevitably include legions of annoying, nasty varmints as well...
Dragons like blue sky after all.
All of the above is why I don't mow hay on these fields. Thirty years ago, they were beautiful hay meadows, but years of neglect left them an ocean of weeds by the time I bought the land. In this instance, grazing my horses on it has actually encouraged some of the weeds, as the horses eat the grass and not the weeds (thank God!), which encourages the nasty things. I am hoping that keeping my critters off the fields and in the Pasture Paradise track combined with mowing will help bring the Forces of Evil under control and restore the fields. I've made it about half way, but heavy rain is once again predicted for tomorrow. I really do wish it would go off somewhere it is needed as the Old Red Dragon and I have a long ways to go.