Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Stills - Something hot

This one was tough since it has, once again, been cold and wet.  We had a brief warm day early in the week and Tanner got hot enough to want to lay in the creek a bit.  When summer comes round, I always make sure to hike near water so he can cool off.  He does not like the heat and really suffers from it.  I have toyed with the idea of shaving him as my vet suggested, but I have never quite summoned the courage.  Maybe this year.

The only thing really hot other than the wood-stove (which did not photograph well), that I could find was my kitchen stove.  

I tried.


  1. Well, that's hot! Do use have propane for your stove or a gas line?

    It would be interesting to see Tanner shaved, but what a lovely coat he has. When my Mother first cut my hair and made a mess she said " it's hair. It will grow back"! Small consolation at the time, but true.

  2. Love the shot of your dog cooling himself off. Great picture. :)

  3. Your pup sure knows how to cool off.

  4. For some reasom I'm craving a Hotdog about now..:-))

  5. Tanner reminds me of a Rottie my sister had years ago. She lived in Atlanta, Jack, of course, had short hair but he was BIG and did not like hot weather. Even when he was in the house, in the summer she kept one of those big floor fans turned on just for him! He'd lay in front of the fan, cooling off.

    Nancy in Iowa

  6. Funny, neither of my dogs likes to sprawl in puddles or streams to cool off, although we've had a few over the years who did.
    I prefer the Tanner pic to the gas hob pic!

    1. I do too, it was a stretch coming up with anything this weekend.

  7. Shaving Tanner actually make him hotter AND it will ruin his coat. That undercoat actually helps to keep him cooler than if it wasn't there! Just stick with the water and making sure he has cool places to hang out! :)

    1. This is why I always wimp out. I get so much conflicting data I always give up and go the conservative route. I have had to shave small bits of him in the past, most notably, his entire front quarter when he had shoulder surgery. The hair always grew back within a few months and you would never know it had been shaved so I do wonder why it would ruin his coat. I do worry about the bugs torturing him even we will probably just do a lot of swimming like we have for the last 10 years:)

  8. Great picture of Tanner. I shave my chow mix dog every spring. She looks funny for about 3 weeks but she loves it. With all her hair she just lays there panting but once I shave her you can see how much better she feels.

  9. Very tempting picture, who would not love to do the same on a hot summer day?
