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Saturday, March 1, 2014

It Stopped - Fow Now

It was a somewhat better day.  The wind stopped.  The sun same out.  The wind stopped. 

I hope all of you out in California are OK.  I know you all need the rain, but a little moderation is a good thing.  Seems like moderation has been lost in all things lately doesn't it?.

At least the wind stopped.

For now.


  1. When I was in WY, I didn't hate the cold so so much but that darn wind was the worse, so I sure do feel your pain when you write about it now.
    this has sure been a crazy year for weather hasn't it?
    Love that pic.

  2. Wonderful picture! Continues to rain in California with heavy winds, no damage and we still have power in our area.

  3. tessa's got a great coat on her - thankfully!

  4. Calm here too. Chilly but I can live with some of that. It is that howling driving insane wind that gets to us...

  5. Colder than all get out here and blizzarding but supposed to be better tomorrow. Stay hunkered in there and warm.

  6. I think this winter may never end.

  7. Love that belly picture :-) Hope that the weather gives in soon!
