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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nothing Good to Say

Just when you think this endless, horrible winter can't get any worse - it gets worse.  I just came in from snow-blowing the driveway in blizzard-like conditions with 40mph sustained wind so that I can try to drive through this to work.  The sure knowledge that the wind will eradicate the work I just did within the hour and make the driveway impassable for my (hopeful) return later adds a certain piquant flavor of misery and futility to the experience.

Would anyone like to buy a small farm in upstate NY?  I think I have had enough.

As I am trying hard not to be too much of a downer, how about a little video of a mother and daughter playing together.  These two just left for a new home as breeding stock on another small farm.  Hopefully, they will have a nice life together.


  1. they are really sweet. glad they got to move together.

  2. Your weather sounds harsh and miserable. One can hope this will be your last winter snow storm. We are in an extreme drought here on the West Coast. Only 3 inches of rain so far this season. Big rain storm moving in tonight, 3-5 inches predicted in 24 hours with gale force winds. We always lose power. I too work at night so understand your worries about being able to return home (downed trees are my hazard). May we all stay safe.

  3. We live WAY UP NORTH in NY. What county are you from? We are actually selling our home and looking to buy an off grid place. NUTS aren't we? LOL.
    We have had a very cold, very snowy winter. Suppose to be frigid all week.

  4. Delrene in Carlsbad, CaliforniaFebruary 27, 2014 at 9:32 PM

    You have had such a harsh winter. I'm sure hoping this was just a bad day and things will get better . I live in Ca where we have a water crisis, we got a bit of rain today and hopefully a storm tonight. I love your blog and hope you see some improvement in your weather soon. I see blue sky in the video. That must help a bit!!!

  5. Time for us to go back to Cali? eh, Kris?

  6. You are much hardier than most of us. Hang in there. Spring is on its way, and all the sweeter after such a winter.

  7. I have heard that from a lot of people this winter :-/. Hang in there.

  8. I'm with you, sister. We haven't had huge snows, it's just the cold. Drew a bucket of water and left it sitting so the cats could have a warm(ish) drink and by the time we got done distributing hay the bucket had started to skim over with ice already. No relief in sight but for a day here or there. Sigh. Could be worse - I could be lambing!

  9. I don't know how you have made it through this terribly cold winter! Hopefully, the worst is over. I think about you when I'm outside freezing at 29 cold it must be for you, out taking care of animals in 20 below, windy weather!! Wishing you warm days soon!

  10. Your winter seems to be digging in and hanging on. I'm so sorry and wish I could send you some (or a lot) of our Colorado sunshine. It is March, tomorrow. Here's hoping it warms up for you soon.

  11. Oh poor you - I am already whining after less than a week of snow (wimp, eh?) Hang in there, Kris!

  12. You can move to Oregon! God's country! We are selling our two acre mini farm! Great for a horse and two donkeys. Weather is always nice here.

  13. Cold snow wind...cold snow wind.
    Repeat with added drifting snow.

    I get it.

  14. So sorry Kris that you're having such a rough go of it. I know for certain that you're a stronger woman than I. I don't have the fortitude to endure a winter of the likes that you've been having. Hang in there, things are sure to get better soon. ♥

  15. Sending prayers from Kansas, Kris... I'm where you are at this point, too... prayer is what's keeping me going.

  16. Come to the bottom half of Australia, where you get to complain about heat and lack of rain all summer but winters will be delightful! :) Jokes aside, I have no idea how people manage to care of outside animals in those sorts of conditions. It must be a whole new skillset, and it looks pretty darned hellish!
