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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Stills - Cows

An entire herd of zombi calves....

Taken last week on our one nice day...

and bright colors of days gone by...


  1. Cows! (and one bull, looks like). I got unexpectedly emotional over those summer scenes. Gosh, it WILL come again, won't it? This winter has seemed utterly endless.

  2. The "attitude of Spring," lives in your heart!

  3. Oh thank you for posting the summer pics! So refreshing!

  4. I LOVE the green grass and blue skies. Our winter here in the St. Louis area has been nothing like yours, but I am so tired of the biting cold wind and dreary skies. We were given a reprieve today from ice with snow on top, which was predicted but didn't occur. We got some sleet overnight with a dusting of snow instead of the 2 inches of sleet with 4-6 inches of snow on top that were predicted. It's much worse south and east of here. I hope it misses you; you've had enough.

  5. The zombie calves are too funny but I have to admit I like the summer green grass just a little better. Enjoyed finding your blog.
