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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Joining In

Like a lot of other bloggers, I have been wondering what or if I should be posting anything right now.  Mary Ann summed it up by saying that, "Yesterday's events in Boston make blogging this morning seem like a selfish indulgence".  I have been thinking about that all day today.  My initial response was to agree, but now I am not so sure.

I have found the blogging community to be very warm, welcoming and supportive.  I know that the blogs I read are just a tiny portion of what is out there and I am sure there are plenty I don't want to know about..  Regardless, what I have encountered are people who care deeply about their animals, their farms, their friends, their family.  They have room in their hearts to care about other people's animals and families as well and they want to share all of that through their blogs.  Is that really so self indulgent?   It may feel like it on the surface, but I don't think it is.  I think it may be part of the backbone of our society.  

Is it wrong to want to step away from the pain and horror that is reverberating inside of any caring person right now?  To step back and enjoy a beautiful picture of new lambs, to take a moment to appreciate a long awaited birth, to have a chuckle at a Border Collie's obsessions.  I don't think so, because those who can step away for a moment, are the ones who can come back later, renewed, able to carry on and help when needed.  

For myself, I know that there is nothing that I can do for the people of Boston right now.  Aside from sending them my prayers and good wishes, I can do nothing other then offer my own little bits of brightness.  My obsessive and wonderful Border Collie, my beautiful horses, my sweet and cuddly donkeys.  My stories and anecdotes that, hopefully, bring a smile and lighten a load.  It is all I have to offer right now to counterbalance the ugliness and pain in our world.  And so I do.

I hope that some of you will join me on your own blogs in offering some little bit of goodness and light.  If you do not have a blog and would still like to share something, send it to me at aerissana at and I will post it here where we can all join in and spread a bit more light.


  1. If we stop blogging even for a respectful period that only gives the person that created the havoc that much more to gloat about. Whoever did this horrific act wants the world to stop turing and revolve around him/her. (but we know it will be a him) .... We need to continue to blog and keep those whose lives were turned inside out and upside down in our thoughts and prayers.

    Take care. Stay safe.

    1. I agree, these people get too much attention as it is.

  2. Malcolm Rogers, the Director of the Museum of Fine Arts opened up the Museum for free yesterday and other museums are following suit today. Distractions of beauty and nature are gifts we give eachother when horrible things happen, and ground us for a while within the realm of our better selves.
    Often, the best of who we are shows up on our blogs. I love that.

  3. Nicely put. As is Tombstone Livestock's comment.

  4. I totally agree with everything you have said.

  5. I agree, we should continue blogging and offer our support through prayer and kind words.
    This morning the secondary story on the national news channel (after Boston of course) was how this bombing has effected the entire nation. People are "seeing" bombs everywhere now and police are out in full force in every public area imaginable. By reporting that part of the story, the media is adding to the bombers ego. It is like the bonus, or the icing on the cake. The bombers are body surfing on the ripples of their act and having themselves a glorious time right now...of this I have no doubt.
    Unfortunately the media doesn't get it. They don't understand that by blasting every single aspect of the story across the headlines, they are validating these sick people who do these things. Or maybe they do understand, but are more concerned about ratings then about what they are doing.
    What I vow to do, in order to do my part, is to go on living. To remember the victims and their families in prayer, and try to spread as much love and compassion as I can...through blogging.
    Thank you for this post. It is just what needed to be said today.

    1. Yes, I think the 1000 ring circus that is our media has a lot to answer for. I really think they are in large part responsible for the rise in all these mass shootings. They turn the perpetrators onto celebrities. It is just one of the reasons why I don't have a TV.

  6. Love your thoughts on this. And I don't know why, but it totally caught me off guard how close Ramsey is to Emma's size in these pictures! Our baby boy is getting so big!

  7. Your post today is absolutely beautiful, as are the comments here. Cindy is correct - focussing on the details of the event only gives the monsters exactly what they want. We need some bright and beautiful things to take our minds away from the horror.

    Nancy in Iowa

  8. Your blogs take me away for the moment in time. Emma and Ramsey and all your critters touch my life daily. It is such a tragedy in Boston, and every other one also. What Cindy D. said is so true. I think the media is in large part to blame because they won't let it alone~!!!!! They really do need to quit reporting on every little thing! I feel the media should convert to Bloggisim! (New word) Blog about all the GOOD in the country! Maybe then there won't be so much tragedy! Keep on Blogging! (Bringing to mind, I really need to update mine!!!! Have so much to blog about, but by the time I am done reading all my blogs I follow, I am exhausted! :) )

  9. Perfectly said. Our hearts and prayers reach out to those in pain. It is times like this that I hold all my blessings a bit closer. I spend more time in the barn with Royal. He has a way of making me feel the world is still a beautiful place. Another therapy from the senseless terrors is to check in on animals like Ramsey. It seems that all animals are our therapy, on your farm or mine.

  10. Anger and sorrow about the bad things going on,but life must go on!

  11. I'm from the Boston area. Can't let the ones who did this stop us from living our lives. If we do then they have won. Blog on!
