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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An Allergy Sufferer's Guide to Spring Horse Grooming

Part 1.  The Problem:

Part 2. Protective Apparel 

Part 3.  Choosing the Right Tool For the Job.

Part 4.  Effective Utilization of Tools

Part 5. Optional Accessories 

Part 6.  Getting Out the Big Guns*

Part 7.  The End Result - clean horses in the mud

*For anyone wondering, this is why I love my grooming vacuum.... 
I very rarely actually replace the bag in my horse vacuum, I just empty the bag between horses.  The above pile was one 5 minute vacuuming of Tessa, the cleaner one. 


  1. WOW! I am impressed with the horse vacuum! I will put it on my list for Santa :D

  2. There's such a thing as a horse vacuum? Whatever you're using, it's got some serious suction!

    1. There is such a thing. really it is just a well built, heavy-duty vacuum with and end designed for horses. Mine is a Rapid Groom that I bought is the early 90's, it was a good investment.

  3. Similar position this side of the Atlantic, but I am much less proactive & lean towards letting it all fall out naturally :)

    Pleased to see that blue eyesd cat is making it out of the barn! Do they have names yet?

  4. I have got to get me one of those!

  5. Looooooove horse vacuums, that is great!

  6. Great post, made me smile! I need one of those here, I am swimming in mule and pony hair.... where does it all come from!

  7. Now that was a generous amount of dirty on Gabe, he must have been having FUN!
    Love your neat spring cleaning system, very resourceful! Looks as if Gabe is actually leaning into the rake because it feels so good. Re. Part 7 - Tessa and Gabe (or at least their derrières) look like near-identical twins in this photo, amazing.

    I wear a surgical mask for gardening but might try the one you use, must be easier to breathe through it.

    1. These do work much better than the surgical mask and don't fog my glasses so bad. Of course, they cost more, but is is worth it to be able to breath and see where I am going.

    2. Sounds promising, thanks!

  8. Wow considering my little equines get triple layers of Winter hair like buffalo I think I need to get me one of those contraptions ;)
