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Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Devil in the Detail

Little Albert Einstein is usually OK about wearing a halter except on the days when he isn't.  On those days, you'd think I was an axe murderer out to get him and he won't have anything to do with an evil halter.  Fortunately for me, he has a couple of good role models who he never allows out of his sight.  Ramsey is always up for a modeling gig and was quite happy to demonstrate the proper use of a halter.... 

Emma also offered to show him how it is done.  Although....I did have to pull it out of her mouth before she chewed through it.  Just a pointless little detail.

It didn't take long for the clever chap to have it all figured out....

The Devil is in the details though...


  1. Now he just needs to learn how to put it on by himself.....

  2. Albert looks so adorably concerned in that first picture. I love his winter fuzzy face.

  3. My show horse can get out of any halter. If we are at a show, I have to keep her in the trailer or in a stall at a show to keep her from getting loose.
