My Shop

Sunday, January 13, 2019

A Roll in The Hay

Every morning after breakfast, Albert has taken to having a roll in the hay.  Nothing very unusual about that, except he always adds great sound effects.  Turn up your volume for this one (unless you are at work and you don't want your coworkers giving you very strange looks:)


  1. One of my donkeys makes the same satisfying noises -- great groany, piggy sounds when she rolls. Must feel so good!

  2. That cracked me AND my son up! What a character.

  3. Sounds like somebody is letting the air out of him.

  4. Einstein is one happy camper. Way back in my distant past, I seem to recall making such contented sounds when stretching and yawning. Decades later, I don't seem to do that any more. I wonder why? Rebecca 2

  5. Ramsey looked unimpressed, ha! "Here Bro, let me get out of your way."

  6. He is one happy dude. Love his grunts and groans.

  7. that sounds like me rolling out of bed
