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Monday, May 2, 2016

Snake Pit

Warning, if you don't like snakes, you might want to skip this one even though these are all harmless little snakes that live in the woods and eat bugs.  Really, they're kind of cute.

In a snakey, slithery sort of way.

Connor found these for me last week.  He was staring at the ground and barking in a quizzical, half- hearted, not-sure-what-to-do sort of way.  Apparently, he is not altogether fond of snakes either.

Can you tell how many there are?

They were just waking up from hibernation and coming out of their hole.

Kind of a rude awakening, being met with Border Collie enthusiasm first thing in the morning.

That can be tough if you are not a morning person.

This last is like those can-you-find-it? pictures that float around on FaceBook.  How many snakes can you find?

I'll give you a hint, there are at least four.


  1. Very cool pictures! Lucky for those snakes that Bess was not there!

  2. We have Black Racers, garter and Rat snakes for the most part. There are Several poisonous varieties but they are rare according to locals.

  3. Another first for me. Counting snakes! How long are they?

    1. These are generaly about 8-12 inches, just little snakes that live in the woods.

  4. I always love your photos; these are GREAT. I love snakes..what type are these? So pretty!

    1. I have NO clue. I call them wood snakes because they live in the woods:)

  5. Cool snakes, I think they are neat to photograph but I prefer not to mess with them. I did get some great shots once on the river of a water snake trying to eat a dead fish.

  6. I LOVE snakes! I think there were six, were there?
