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Wednesday, May 4, 2016


"Well Bloggy peoples, Ma has gone and done it again!  Every single year she does this to us, it is soooo unfair.  This year, she didn't even wait for the grass to get green before she took it all away from us.  Can you believe it?!  We've been telling her every day how mad we are about this, but does she listen?"

"Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, Ma locked us out of the WOODS too!!  She keeps telling us we are going to kill all the trees."  

"Seriously people, if we were actually hurting the trees don't you think they would run away or scream or something?  But noooo, they just stand there, all still and quiet, no matter what we do.  So I ask you, how can we possibly be hurting them?  It's just not fair!"

"Ma keeps going on on and on about how it's for our own good and she has to watch what we eat.  As if we would EVER eat anything that we aren't supposed to."

"On top of all that, we haven't even been on the BLOG much lately.  It's been all sheep and lambs and those dumb cows.  And snakes even.  SNAKES!  Are we not THE Dancing Donkeys?  What would she be without us?  Seriously, Ma has really gone round the bend this year." 

"We really gave her an earful this morning though.  As if all of this abuse weren't enough, she was LATE with our breakfast.  Really, that was just too much.  There is no excuse for such mean, unfair treatment and we let her (and everyone else in the county) know about it."

"She finally tried to appease us with this little bit of grass (which was very good), but far too little.  Can't you see how stingy this is and how terribly malnourished and deprived we are?"

"We hate to do it, but we are thinking about starting a petition.  Will you support us poor abused donkeys?"


  1. Poor donkeys, they need to be able to nibble trees and roll in grass...LOL! I know you have your reasons, but they don't understand it at all!

  2. No way, you poor not undernourished donkeys I know better than that...wannnnn wannnnnt

  3. Well, you know, the grass does look a little greener on the other side-----

  4. Dear Emma,
    If your going to ask us to sign a petition to get you more grass..I would suggest make up or special effects to actually make you look "deprived". In these photo's I see healthy, well cared for Donkeys....and one short eared donkey with patches who all look in perfect health? Just a thought Steven Speilberg????

  5. Not only do they attack dogs; they kill trees! No wonder I am not a fan of donkeys! The border collies and Bess NEVER kill trees!

  6. Irish completely understands where you are coming from. He recommends staring non-stop and your oppressor every time she steps outside. The humans find it unnerving.

  7. Dear abused donkeys, you can count on me to sign your petition. I fully realize your lives are simply too horrid for words. I say, "who cares about some stinking trees." Donkeys unite!

  8. Dear Poor, abused donkey's..... I have fired off an e mail to ASPCA... however, the photos must be shopped to make you look skinnier and unhappier....... You all look pretty darn content in your pastures. I think I'm even seeing a couple who might want to think about their waistlines. Ma takes very good care of you...... My dog Tessa is getting a bit of a waist issue and I have cut back on her vittles too. She may want to join in your complaint. Give your Ma a nice Mother's Day!!!

  9. Photoshop is good, but it ain't THAT good. I think you're out of luck with the authorities ;-).

  10. Ha! These donkeys and Tessa the horse are the picture of happiness. Spoiled babies. As it should be. Happy Mother's Day to Emma!
