My Shop

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

An Unexpected Hiatus

My computer had a massive stroke this morning and, after fighting my way past the blue screen of death at least a dozen times, I finally have it turned on and backing up all my files (I devoutly hope and pray anyway).

Since my feeble attempts at computer repair generally consist of hitting the power button over and over and swearing a lot, blog posting is likely to be rather sporadic for a while until I can figure something out.  

I've tried writing on my iPad, which sort of works in a pinch, but is usually an exercise in frustration.  Thank you all for so politely ignoring the resulting typos that litter anything I try to scribble out on this little screen.  

Since the weather is nice and I won't have time to take the computer to a shop for a while, why don't you do what I intend to do with the time I would have spent on the computer.....take the donkeys for a walk.  I'll be back when I can get all the misbehaving electrons back in line.  Hmmmm, maybe I should put the Border Collie on that, he's good at rounding things up....


  1. Looks relaxing! Can I borrow your Donkey?

  2. Ack, computers... Sorry about the frustration, but glad that the weather is too nice to work inside anyway. Happy walks, and rides, and whatever else you enjoy doing in the beautiful outdoors! :)

  3. Yes, we have to enjoy our lovely fall weather! Computers are so wonderful until they quit working :(

  4. Computers are instruments of torture! LOL! I went for a walk day before yesterday but got a couple of chiggars out of the deal. I think I'll wait just a little longer before I venture back out!

  5. Sorry about your computer! The photos are spectacular.

  6. These are often blessings in disguise - enjoy your techno-free time!

  7. If you like a nice lunar eclipse, you'll have a chance to catch the last one for the next 18 years on the 27/28 -- clear skies willing. It'll be a Blood Moon, a supermoon total lunar eclipse!

  8. I hope you get to enjoy the weather, computers?... well, sometimes they are a hindrance to getting out and about.

  9. I hope you get it all sorted out soon! That blue screen is horrid. Love your header photo! :)
