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Monday, September 28, 2015

A Good Swift Kick

I'm sort of back, although it is likely to be erratic for a while yet.  I gave the computer a few good swift kicks, kind of like hitting it with a defibrillator, and finally got it to boot up again.  I seem to be able to keep it just barley functioning as long as I never turn it off and I avoid anything that requires too much thinking on it's part. 

I've decided I am going to just knuckle under and buy a new computer since I have been having trouble for ages now and I think this one is 6-7 years old already and likely approaching it's use-by date.  I was hoping that I could make it limp along until December when there are usually some good Christmas deals to be found, but I don't think it will make it.  I was feeling very annoyed at the planned failure built into these things, but I guess that is built into to everything isn't it?  There sure are days when I can feel my own use-by date approaching.  Hopefully, still a long way off.

At any rate, I'm trying to figure out what to get that will do what I need for the least amount of money.  Has anybody used Windows 10 yet?  My brief encounter with Windows 8 a couple of years when FB got a new computer had me swearing I'd switch to Apple before I dealt with that garbage again.  Then I looked at the price difference.  Gulp.  Is Windows 10 better? 

I'm off to try to write a couple of posts and look at all the latest computer marvels (is that an oxymoron?) before the next crash.  There is lots going on and we can't all lie around all day after all.


  1. Here's what I've learned for ME: Microsoft and PCs are for folks who like trouble-shooting. Macs are for people like me who enjoy a smooth, trouble-free ride. After six years, my MacBook isn't holding it's charge as long, but I've never had to have it repaired. I'm certain there will be a heated debate over this. We'll all defend our choice to the death!!! :)

  2. Yea! You're back. I've always had Macs, so I can't help. Dreading when I have to replace my 2009 model.

  3. You do recall my brief encounter with Windows 10, right? I had it for about twenty minutes when I discovered that I was unable to send emails with attachments and was also unable to use my normal worksite to attach files. Extremely annoying. I believe that any change with Windows is bad, as although it might work, it probably will not be compatible with the stuff a person normally uses. And I am the optimistic person!!

  4. I totally gave up on windows 2 years ago and bought a MacBook Pro. I have ZERO regrets.

  5. Kris, I just made a comment and lost it, so I hope this isn't a duplicate. Love the picture of Emma. I am using Windows 10, I must be more patient than farm buddy because I have had it over a month and finally figured out where everything is. I like the fact that they will now upgrade it forever.

    1. I admit that I am impatient when it comes to computers, but mostly I panicked with Windows 10 because I do have a part-time computer job, and I was unable to send my work. I tried to get help with this, but could not understand the help person at all, plus he also seemed unsure of how to send my reports to their destination with Windows 10. I am glad that you were able to work with it, and I hope you continue to like it!

  6. If you buy now, you may be able to still find one with an older operating system. That's what I did. I've had better luck with 7 than 8. Might be too late though now that 10 is officially out. Sigh...

  7. I previously had Windows 7 and upgraded to Windows 10. I still haven't figured out where everything is and/or how to do .

  8. Have you tried Linux O/S systems? Ubuntu is a FREE O/S they hav and it is relly a wonder after the aggravation of windows.

  9. I love windows 10 and hate the Mac's. Also have a friend that had to have a Mac book and she doesn't care for it at all. Perhaps it depends on how your brain works?

  10. I will weigh in. I've had Windows forever wouldn't mind a Mac but most of my graphic art software is only made for Windows. I upgraded from 8.1 to 10 and haven't had an issue at all. I refuse to use Microsoft's email and use Yahoo and Gmail ... Gmail is my go to email. I can even write any office type of file in Google Drive so I bypass Microsoft Office.
    My next computer will be a Surface Pro. Handy as I will be able to grab it and take it anywhere with me.
    Hope you find what you want!

  11. Initial reports are that Win10 is indeed better. 8 just sucked all the way around! You will be fine no matter what you do and if you think 10 is scary try learning a whole new system of an Apple product! After dealing with my new Iphone I think Mac would be wayyyy out of MY ballpark.
