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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Taking Up the Slack

Hey folks, we're all still here.  Thanks again for all of your patience and understanding.  It's been a tough adjustment getting used to life without a Border Collie to keep everything running properly.  We're muddling through though.  Barely. 

Tanner was never technically a "working dog", but it's amazing to suddenly notice just how much he did to keep order around here.  The riff-raff element is definitely taking advantage of his absence.  There were at least 15 deer hanging out under my deck when I got home last night.  The deer are always a nuisance, but they have never been brazen enough to use my house as a scratching post before.  Darned vermin. There is a flock of wild turkeys doing laps around the house and a pair of rabbits sunning themselves in the driveway.  Intruders everywhere.

My daily walks in the woods, which are a vital part of keeping my own joints working, were just too hard to do all alone.  Tessa and the donkeys have had to step up and fill in - which they are thrilled about.

"Maybe we should've gotten rid of the dog earlier if it means more time for US."

"Especially since BEECH leaves are involved!  YUM!!!"

"I don't see any beech trees here Ma, let's go find some."

Donkey priorities are a bit different from a Border Collie's.

The only real trouble with taking the donkeys out each day is that now they think they should go out twice a day.  Or maybe three times.  For four hours each.  They start nagging to go out again just as soon as we get home.

Tessa is a big fan of hiking too.  She loves going for walks and she has truly mastered the art of beech leaf harvesting.  She goes for the bulldozer method.....

Farm Buddy has been doing some work on another farm and has been leaving Scout and Kelsy with me for babysitting duty one day a week.

The equines are great hiking partners (when you can tear them away from the beech leaves), but there's nothing quite like a good dog.  

And she rescued the basketball.

The donkeys have been having a great time with it, but I do cringe a bit watching them.  I know my poor dog must be twirling in his grave at the very idea of a basketball in the clutches of donkeys.  It is SO against The Rules.

I know this would make him MUCH happier....

We're muddling through.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. You completely nailed it. I need some sweet donkeys to help take up the slack here!

    1. Seriously? Sweet donkeys? Do I have to drag Scout and Kelsey down to Kentucky to have you see the light? Just take a long look at the cute dog waiting on the top of the stairs at Kris' house! You need a great young dog, not a donkey!!!! I know there is one just waiting for you to come and pick her up, and what a lucky dog she will be; almost as lucky as the one that is waiting for Kris to come and get her!!
      Best wishes to both you and Kris!
      Farm Buddy

  2. You got it!
    I would miss Morris greatly if he was gone and I know that he is now 10 and getting older so I try to cherish all those moments we have together.
    Having a good dog to hike with is is having good donks!

  3. glad you have the 'big, leaf-eating dogs' to walk with - and even loaner dogs once a week. it'll never fix the heartache, but it does apply some balm.

  4. Your woods are so pretty. I can just hear Ramsey begging in that fourth picture. I haven't given up on the fencing idea, just looking at a smaller space. Thanks again for your help.

  5. We think all those intruders constitute a definite need for another dog in your future!

  6. Walking in the woods with your critters sounds perfect to me.

  7. As you know, it's a process -- one day at a time is all you can do. The love of your donkeys and the weekly "doggie" fix hopefully help to ease your sorrow. Take Care Kris!

  8. Thanks for linking back to The Rules. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Glad you got some new walking buddies.

  9. Farm Buddy has spoken. :)

  10. Can tell your spirit is returning and the critters are helping!!! Keep on keeping on.....Hugs!!!

  11. I had to laugh at the picture of Tess. Trax does that to one of my trees here. It scratches his belly parts. And he always grabs a bit when going over it.

    I'm glad you have the donkeys to help you through this hard time.

  12. I wish you could send some deer down here, almost all ours have moved out. :-(

  13. I'm glad you still have some BCs around. I got to meet and cuddle some GWPs the other day, two and a half years since I lost my last one. I must admit I shed some tears even though I love my Labs that I have now and even though they suit my current energy/health much better. A breed can become so special to us, and once it does, well, it is best to keep at least one around, especially to soothe a hurting heart! Now I am wondeting if I really couldn't manage just one lively, naughty GWP... :)

  14. An American in TokyoOctober 14, 2014 at 1:35 AM

    You need to take pictures of all the animals congregating at your house! I think they know where the good eats are! ;)

  15. Ah the bulldozing method. So effective!

  16. Having such good company is a wonderful soother of spirits. Time will help. Tanner would be so up in arms over the basketball with dons. My first time with The Rules. Loved your post.
