My Shop

Friday, November 22, 2013

T.E.S.S.A aka The Honkey Donkey

About a month ago Tessa confessed that she has been suffering an identity crisis.

What exactly is a horse who thinks she's a donkey?  Her Royal Donkeyness?  Hmmm, she does have the blue blood for it, for what it's worth.

Sus S. certainly got it....Smart is right.

As is Cathy R, with: "Tallest (farm) Equine Standing (in) Solidarity Always".   Clever, we hadn't thought of that.  It's a good title for Her Donkeyness.

Ya know what though?  I think you'd have to meet her to find out, but Honkey Donkey actually does fit:)


  1. Well, bless her heart. She looks so gentle and sweet. Honkey Donkey is cute as can be!

  2. Tessa is so beautiful. Honkey Donkey is very funny.

  3. Honkey Donkey is wonderful, she just needs to grow those ears and we could all be fooled :-)

  4. Honkey Donkey! How cute is that. Of course horses are very smart, don't think they are not...
    My mare used to take my tools while I was working on fencing and hide them...or drop them.
    Once she plucked my stocking cap off my head and dropped it in the stock tank.
    I think she was being funny.
