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Monday, December 26, 2011

Emma gives lessons

I mentioned a while ago that my favorite grooming tool is a vacuum.  And no, nobody is paying me to talk about this thing (although, if the makers of Rapid Groom read this and want to send me some money that would be fine with me:).  It's just that I have bad allergies and asthma and the vacuum makes grooming horses doable rather than a life threatening event.  It also does the most wonderful job of getting them clean and improving their coats.  So, if you are a horse person and you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas, send whatever it was back and get one these. 
Last week, Emma helped me introduce Gabe to the vacuum (it does take most horses a little time to get used to it but, it isn't hard).  Gabe did great, especially since he had an expert right there to provide moral support and supervision...

 Emma: "It's no big deal, someone as big as you and with all those spots can handle it.  You can do this with you eyes closed"....

"I'll keep an eye on things and make sure Mom gets it right"...

"Come on, put some muscle into it!"

 "You missed a spot!"....

 "You're not going to forget ME right?  You DO remember that I like vacuuming too, right, RIGHT?"

 "Ermphhh, that's NOT what I had in mind!"

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