My Shop

Saturday, June 19, 2021

A different kind of new addition


This happened....

I started a new job last week as a Grievance Specialist for a company focused on providing value-based medical care.  It is a bit of puzzle-solving combined with investigation, troubleshooting and problem solving.  

The pace of the first week was a bit over the top, but I am hopeful that it will smooth out and I think it is going to be interesting once I figure out where all the pieces go.  Given that I can't keep my brain from trying to solve problems whether I want it to or not, it might as well be useful.  

Best part.....It is a permanent work-from-home job which makes me and my assistants very happy.  

After 18 months of not commuting and being home all the time, I am about ready to roll up my driveway and put it away for good.  If they did grocery delivery out here in the boondocks, I might never leave home again. 

Since I have been preoccupied with all things job related and have been (once again) neglecting the blog, I figure you are due for a good puppy fix.  I'll get some donkey/mule pics up as well.  Just know that we are all doing well in our little hermitage and I am busy trying to figure out the insane intricacies of the medicare system and how to fix the tiny part I am involved with.


  1. Congratulations, this work at home job sounds ideally suited to you. Beautiful pictures, as always, really appreciate the update!

  2. Congratulations on the new gig.

  3. So nice you get to work from home! And Congratulations on the new job. I just rejoined the work force after a 6 month hiatus.

  4. Congrats for finding what appears to be the perfect job for you! I like being home the best, too.

  5. Awesome. I once considered a job where I would help people figure out their billings from doctors and hospitals as I had Insurance backround and Billing and Coding experience. Puzzles and figuring things out were fun things to do.
    Looks like this will suit you well.

  6. Your "new" workspace looks great! Your pasture(s) are lovely and green. Curious what your perimeter fencing is. The pups are busy and active. Could not ask for more!!!

  7. I think you found your niche. Great little work space and I love your accessories. DOGS! It’s a perfect setting. I know you will do well and be happy to be home. Commuting got very old I’m sure especially in the months of snow. Thanks for the photos. They are so happy to have you full time I’m sure.

  8. Bes7tiful green out the window, nice workstation and contented assistants. Great work environment. Good for everyone.

  9. Congrats on your new job. Beautiful pictures.

  10. Oh WOW! What fantastic news! Working form home and to be around your fuzzy buddies all the time?! That's absolutely sublime. Congrats and I hope this works out very well for you for a long time! <3

  11. Way to go! Glad you found a new job that you can do from home! :)

  12. That new job sounds like it is a good fit for you, and fun to imagine rolling up your driveway. Your dogs are such loves, and a bit naughty in one photo. Did they tear up their bed? My dog does that, one little spot at a time.
