I started a new job last week as a Grievance Specialist for a company focused on providing value-based medical care. It is a bit of puzzle-solving combined with investigation, troubleshooting and problem solving.The pace of the first week was a bit over the top, but I am hopeful that it will smooth out and I think it is going to be interesting once I figure out where all the pieces go. Given that I can't keep my brain from trying to solve problems whether I want it to or not, it might as well be useful.
Best part.....It is a permanent work-from-home job which makes me and my assistants very happy.
After 18 months of not commuting and being home all the time, I am about ready to roll up my driveway and put it away for good. If they did grocery delivery out here in the boondocks, I might never leave home again.
Since I have been preoccupied with all things job related and have been (once again) neglecting the blog, I figure you are due for a good puppy fix. I'll get some donkey/mule pics up as well. Just know that we are all doing well in our little hermitage and I am busy trying to figure out the insane intricacies of the medicare system and how to fix the tiny part I am involved with.