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Friday, April 23, 2021

Language Barriers

A visual essay on the fundamental differences between Border Collies and Windsprites....

Connor may not do cuddling and all the touchy-feely stuff, but he loves Cora and is totally accepting of the new puppy.  He is amazingly good with all puppies and he loves having his very own pack.  You aren't ever going to see cute pictures of him snuggling in bed, but he is the best pack leader and mentor a puppy can have and he is very happy with his Windsprites.  Even if the rotten little devil does steal his Frisbee.


  1. The. best. visual. essay. ever! Sorry, gorgeous, restless Connor, for laughing out loud - in your face, to boot - when the camera was aimed at you. I know what you were thinking: "Running in circles without cause is possible, but useless."
    Hey Cora, give the baby a break and transfer your zoomies to the open field, for in the underbrush (?if that is a word) he can't learn to fly like you!
    Kris, congratulations!!! Your reasons for the new addition make total sense, you do have the most delightfully perfect pack now! Besides, that little leo is absolutely, irresistibly adorable! What fun... Love it! -Irmgard

  2. Sharing is caring. This is a sweet pack you have there

  3. Those windsprites can fly. Connor is a good big brother.

  4. Love, love, love the happy pack!!!!

  5. Congratulations! Your video makes my day. Love the new pup!

  6. Busted a gut watching the video!!! Love it! What a great pack!

  7. OMG. Love that pic of Connor in the midst of all that zooming. And noticed the puppy running shorter circles to keep up. That Cora DOES have wings!
