My Shop

Friday, May 1, 2020

Little Mr. Mule

Little Mr. Mule had an exciting week.  He played with the leaf blower (he seemed to like the way it tickled his whiskers)... on the trailer on his third ever try...

....and went for a 2 mile walk with me down the road and through a puddle.  All with only a few little muley tantrums.  Not bad for a big, gangly, gawky, 11 month old doofus. 


  1. Oh he's such a smart fellow. What a beautiful mule baby.

  2. What constitutes a 'muleytantrum'?

  3. You're doing a great job teaching him about the world.

  4. What a good Mom! Looks like you are all staying busy - interesting isn't it - the chores, animals and nature don't stop just cuz of a "lockdown".
