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Friday, April 3, 2020

Soaking It Up


  1. Very exciting creatures!! Like watching a fence post, although they at least can have birdhouses attached to them! What you need are more Ian and Kaia pictures to liven things up a bit. They do look like healthy, happy equines!

  2. Look how big the "baby" is! Incredible. Thanks for your wonderful posts; they are a staple in my life.

  3. We had sleeping mules today and everyone was soaking up the sun too! I worked in the basement...go figure!

  4. Qilin has one hoof up in two of the photos. Is that just the way he stands?

  5. Shelley, he is resting his hoof. All equines do this. You can see the brown donkey in the last photo is doing the same thing. If it were a front leg, then there would be reason to suspect a lameness problem.
