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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A BIG Change

I know I've been a terrible blogger lately, but I am hoping that will change given that I have just made a big change in my life....

I quit my job!

Before you start worrying that I am going to be destitute (or more destitute:), and that the donkeys will go hungry - never fear, I do have a new job lined up.  However, I am taking 6 weeks off before I start.  We all might get a little hungry by than, but it will be worth it!😁

During these six weeks, I hope to get a bunch of stuff done, such as:

  • Rejoin the daylight world since I have been working nights for the past 16+ years
  • Teach Qilin something (anything)
  • Teach Kaia something (like how NOT to steal EVERYTHING)
  • Remember how to write a blog
  • Take long walks in the woods
  • Recover from burnout and the insanity that my job had become
That last one could take a while, but you have to start somewhere.  Right?

At least I have the proper tools in my box....

Such as a Unicorn to play with...

A whole herd of Therapy Donkeys...

Heated seats...

and an Emotional Support Puppy.

What more could you ask for?


  1. Good for you
    I also worked permanent nights for a long time and it really messes with you, it’s not called the ‘graveyard shift’ for nothing. A Unicorn is a great place to start working things out lol
    Hope to read some more blog posts soon 🤠

  2. Hurray for you! I know SOMEone has to work nights and that a FEW people seem to actually prefer to do so, but both are beyond my understanding as to how they do it. May your new job bring home the bacon at much less personal cost, and may these six weeks NOT fly by for you!

  3. Delrene from Carlsbad, CaDecember 18, 2019 at 9:53 PM

    I felt something in the winter winds of change. Good for you. And the time off? Excellent. Idea. Recharge and get your body/clock re set. I look forward to good times for you and the fur babies. Wonderful photos. Thank you;for sharing your farm and animals with us city dwellers.

  4. Congratulations! Can't ask for better therapy to rest and recover than being outdoors and with your animals. Enjoy yourself. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

  5. Oh, Kris...good on you! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. I feel your relief!!! Congratulations Kris - it's brave to make a big change and take time for yourself.
    Since I check in daily I'll be more than pleased to read about your extended vacation.

  7. Yes, sometimes it takes quitting to move onto new things. I'm glad you've made the decision to improve your stress level.

    Take care and happy holidays to you all.

  8. Congratulations! I hope that the new job is just what you need. I think taking time off in between is smart.

  9. I'm so very happy for your new job! Congratulations! Enjoy every second of your time off! It sounds like your "to do" list will keep you entertained.

  10. Yes! Finally! And congratulations! Here's to a new, happier and healthier chapter in your life. <3

  11. congratulations - i retired four years ago after more than 30 years on nights. the best part was getting a good night's sleep. running a close second was better eating habits - i lost 25 pounds in no time at all, but have gained 10 of that back. eager to hear about your new job/adventures. my, but qilin has grown - what a hunky young man. --suz in ohio

  12. Congrats on a new journey! Enjoy your reset these next six weeks <3

  13. Good for you! I worked night shifts and rotating for 9 years and often unscheduled shifts so I get it. I like getting up each day now and actually doing normal things like sleep at night! Congrats!
