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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Happy Mule Day

Sorry for the long delay in posting and the general poor blogging lately.  I've been dealing with an overabundance of work/life drama that isn't fit for the blog, but is taking up waaayyyy too much time and brain space.  However, I realized that today is International MULE day and I can't possibly let that pass by unnoticed. 

Have you hugged a mule today?

Happy Mule Day!


  1. No but I hugged a horse, so does that count? Happy Mule day!

  2. Hugged my two donkeys and imagined the fun it would be to hug Qilin.

  3. DELRENE from Carlsbad, CaOctober 27, 2019 at 9:14 PM

    Oh how I would if I could. Happy Mule day you adorable boy!
    Hope life calms down. For you. It’s been crazy here in Ca. My son was in the midst of the fires in Santa Clarita, but thanks to our wonderful firefighters his home and his neighborhood is ok. The winds are still very bad.

  4. no, don't have any mules. Glad your herd is meshing well.

  5. I want to hug the stuffin out of you sweet baby boy!!! He is to adorable.
