My Shop

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cobbler's Bench

My first ever attempts at narrating video so be kind:)

This is what I have been doing to create special shoes for Ramsey.  As there are no donkey shoes available anywhere, I am making it up on my own.  We'll be testing them soon.....


  1. Very impressive and interesting process. So nice to hear your voice and see your care, and tenacity, in action for Ramsey. Fingers crossed this version works for him.

  2. I saw this companies products at an Horse Expo. I personally have not used the product,but you might look into it .Not sure if they have a tiny foot mold but check it out. Good luck for your donk

  3. You are one dedicated lady. And you did a very nice job with your narrated video. I just had no visulization of what was entailed in making a donkey shoe for little Ramsey. This info needs to go into the book you are writing. You know, the one on how to do just about everything - - - Rebecca 2

  4. Wow! You go!!! I know you'll get something that works on him.

  5. Interesting! I ran into that issue when I was riding Badger in endurance events, mules and donkeys don't have a lot of products out there specifically for them.
    Good for you on figuring out this yourself!
    Can't wait to see how it works out!

  6. Your prototypes are fascinating - thanks for putting together such detailed videos. My fingers are seriously crossed that this latest shoe works for Ramsey!!
