Sunday, February 24, 2019

Meeting His Match

It is hard to imagine, but Connor may have finally met his match.  He has been the fastest, toughest, intensist, never-give-in, never-quit Border Collie on the hill.  Then....along comes a puppy.  A cute, sweet, little puppy who follows him around and worships at his feet. 

But puppies grow.  Fast.

The cute, sweet, little puppy is now an 8 month old ultra-fit, ultra-fast, ultra-competitive bundle of greased-lightning speed, wild exuberance and slightly psychotic Border Collie drive.  Just like his best buddy Connor.

Connor may be feeling the dragon breathing down his neck, but at the end of the day, when the puppy loses interest, he still comes home with the prize because he still knows one thing that Ian doesn't - that the frisbee is not a toy, it is the meaning of life.


  1. Replies
    1. Puppies are just about the most fun thing in life!!

  2. He looks a little worried in the last photo. 😁

    1. Believe me, he has something big to worry about!!

  3. So, the frisbee is ok for tug of war but no throwing it? The best part of this post is the friendship - so great for all of them to have a best buddy. Such a good post!!

    1. I don't want Ian jumping around after Frisbees. I don't mind them playing keep away, as then he is not fixated on it. Unfortunately, he is fixated on my four cats in the house!

  4. Oh, Conner, you make me laugh. Rebecca2

  5. I know I have had a few dogs that loved their frisbees more than anything else in life. Looks like all the dogs had so much fun together. That is what a dog's life is all about. Play, fetch, tug, run, work, rest, and eat...not all in that order.

  6. Love these special dogs. Life is so much fun! Delrene In Carlsbad, Ca
