My Shop

Monday, January 21, 2019

Stoned Donkeys

No, I'm not letting the herd play with mind altering substances.  They get in enough trouble as is.

I'm talking about this kind of Stoned Donkey....

The nights are looonng, dark and cold this time of year, especially for someone who works late into the night and sleeps late into the morning.  I could do mature, adult things like mop the floor or read boring CEU articles for my job, but there is only so much adulting one person can do in a given lifetime. 

I know you are probably thinking that I should get my act together and write some more blog post. You are right.  Totally right.  But when the words aren't there, they just aren't there.  I do seem to need some kind of creative outlet though and the lost blog words had to show up somewhere.  Lately, they have turned into rocks and glue.

All the farrier work I've done in the past few years with glue-on shoes, casts, epoxy, etc. got me interested in some other things that can be done with those materials.  So, I have been making Stoned Donkeys cast in epoxy resin...

They are hard to get good pictures of as the resin is like trying to photograph glass.

There are also some Stoned Ponies...mixed with tree tips, thorns, bark, etc...

 And maybe some other stuff.....eventually.


  1. Very nice, Chris! I Love them. Now you have to try a border collie!

  2. grantville@gmail.comJanuary 21, 2019 at 8:34 AM

    Those are really awesome Kris.

  3. You got talent! These are great, good proportions. Who knew. Rebecca2

  4. OMG! These are AMAZING!! So creative and BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE them! How big are they? That first photo of the ponies looks 3 dimensional. Beautiful work!

  5. Oh, my gosh! those are really beautiful!

  6. wow! i like your donkey. i think that is an excellent way to spend your time

  7. Whoa. I love those! What a fabulous idea.

  8. Clever! Well done -- the nose, mouth and ears especially capture of essence of donkey personality.

  9. Cool!! There is something therapeutic & rewarding about a hands-on creative process.

  10. I love your donkeys in all of their manifestations.

  11. They are so awesome let me know when you’re ready to sell some I want to be your first customer

  12. Love these pieces! You've got talent!

  13. Wow you are very creative. I agree be creative...don't mop floors.

  14. Wow!!!
    I'll be vying with Dory to become your first customer...
