My Shop

Friday, January 4, 2019

Need a Hand With That?

"Here Em, hold this for a minute will you?"

"You know Ma, these don't seem like very good hoof protectors.  They're kind of squishy and misshapen."

"I know Em, but at least these don't have any duct tape holding them together yet."

"Could I have it back now?"

"Uh, nooooo.  What do you think I am?  A coat hanger?  I want to know what I get out of it before I hand it over."  

"Well, let's get your house cleaned twice a day, room service, custom meal prep, massage, pedicures, ear rubs....."

"Oh phooey Ma, those are all good, healthy activities we provide for you.  What else would you do with your life if not for us??"

"Nope, I'm holding out for a good tip.  You better go fetch some treats Ma.  I can see you need more exercise and moving around will help your hands warm up."


  1. A little bribery goes a long way.

  2. Em has somthing there; what would we ever do with our time if we weren't constantly engaged in caring for our furry friends? I say this as I try to type around the cat sitting in my lap. Rebecca2

  3. What a lovable personality!! I must admit I'm an Emma (m-n-m-a, ha ha!! new nick name? I know you tried saying it more then once ;) fan!

  4. Em, you got her trained don't ya?

  5. Who knew Donkeys need gloves! Happy New Year! Aloha
