My Shop

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Working the Math

I wasn't sure how things would work out when Little Albert Einstein moved in this Spring.  However, he took one look around, did the math, and decided to make himself right at home. 

He did well at his previous home, but he lived with horses and he very much appreciates living in a donkey herd.  This past week, he has finally passed the last hurdle and made friends with Ben.

He's staked out all his favorite places in the barn and has all the best routes mapped.

I wasn't sure I would keep Al when he first came here or help him find a place of his own.

However, the decision wasn't really up to me.  Little Albert Einstein took one look around and immediately started working the math to make the numbers round up the way he wanted. 

Albert seemed to think there was an obvious hole in my equation and he set out to fill it.  Who am I to argue with a genius?


  1. He is one smart donkey guy. I'm glad he did the math, because you are a very good donkey Mom. He has a great new home.

  2. Balances out, even-steven. Rebecca2

  3. You have such a beautiful herd!

  4. Al could be the Activities Director on a cruise ship. "Ok, everyone gather 'round. Ben? Ramsey? You'll partner up with me for shuffleboard and Emma you'll be my bingo partner! Kris will provide snacks. Ready? Let's go"!!!

  5. That foursome is awesome!!!! Such a happy herd.

  6. Love your quirky quartet of donkeys!

  7. Lovely Donkeys you have. Al is smart to stay.

  8. I'm sighing at your final photo. Kinda perfect.
