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Monday, October 29, 2018

Extended Family

It has been the wettest, most humid summer ever, followed by the wettest, bleakest, muddiest Fall ever.  I've tried not to whine about it because at least we aren't on fire or getting drowned in hurricanes, but we've just had another 3-4 inches of rain and I can hear it pouring down right now.  The mud is beyond description, the second cutting hay rotted in the fields, there is fungus sprouting in odd and unusual places and I find that slogging through it leaves my mind a muddy mess as well. 

Since there is nothing but mud and more mud to talk about here (even spell check just wanted me to change mroe to mire, very fitting), we might as well visit with some other parts of the extended farm family.

Remember Lulu, the Afghan Hound puppy?  She has just relocated to Florida where she celebrated her first birthday by getting a fenced yard to run in, a haircut and some MUD to play in.  Lucky dog.

Then there was Elva's sister who was babysitting an entire herd of very clean Golden Retrievers. 

I'm not sure how they stay so clean. I suspect they may be existing in an alternate universe - one where the calico cat keeps all mud at bay. She was abandoned on their property a few months ago scared and feral.  The vet said she would always be feral, but all those Goldens must have rubbed off, because she is anything but now and she rules the house with an iron paw. 

The nameless donkey that Dave took in found his way into the chicken coop  on the only sunny day we've had in months and made it his own.  His official name is now Herb. 

He will, hopefully, be a driving partner for his new friend Hoss (and the rest of the herd: Stormy the other donkey and Levi and Amos, the horses).

 And, a couple of hours north, where it is also dark and muddy (especially as Bill is one of those really wacko guys who voluntarily gets up at 4am), a glow-in-the-dark unicorn is brightening things up and making friends with her new herd.

As for my herd, they are all in the barn, dry, out of the mud and not much interested in picture taking.  And I need to go mop up muddy paw prints.  Again.


  1. All are beautiful dogs. Even the muddy one. That's funny about the cat.
    Love seeing the donkeys and horses.

    Have a great week.

  2. Here we had a brief hailstorm and then a 1/2" rain in a short period of time. Crated havoc in this desert, washed away chunks from the banks of the dry creek beds - - - tumbled large rocks down the washes - - - took out a portion of my Invisible Fence wire - - - . I can't imagine 3 or 4 inches of rain. Yes, mightly clean Goldens there, and so good to see the Calico whipping everyone into shape. Rebecca2

  3. Honestly, the rain can stop at any time now! I did enjoy the update though. :)

  4. It's been the same here in ND. Cloudy, gloomy, rainy days. I feel your pain when it comes to mopping up paw prints!

  5. Thanks for the update! Great photos....
    We have a lot of boot sucking mud here too.

  6. That cat and the Goldens now that is a hoot! I have no doubt the cat rules! I don't mind the rain because it is not snow, but rain and get it over with so we could see some shone for about 10 minutes today Total...:(

  7. That must be where all of our rain went. We've had such a dry year. I'm not complaining. It just started raining. I'm still at the point where I'm enjoying the different weather. I'll be complaining soon though. :) Love all the pics! Especially Herb. What a character.

  8. Lulu! Haven't seen here in a long time. You did a LOT of work on the barn floor in the last year to keep your herd high and dry. Hoping your Fall gets all the moisture and your Winter is dry.

  9. Love the post on the extended family! Sorry for all the rain and mud you're experiencing there. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area rain is non-existent and mud - - what's that? I wish Mother Nature could even things out a little. Here's hoping you get some dry weather for a bit.

  10. Goodness,...well we had gobs and gobs of mud for such a long time...
    We then had almost a week with no rain. It was wonderful and many farmers got crops in.
    Love the photos, those golden retrievers are a hoot! Awww and Lulu looks like a real doll.
