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Monday, July 9, 2018

Baby Bruno

One of Bess' puppies lives just down the road and comes over for frequent visits.  Which means we all get to have some puppy fun while young Bruno gets to be part of the pack and learns how to be a proper dog.

Uncle Connor is doing his part to raise him up right.

Meanwhile, in true Maremma fashion, Bruno has created some of his own favorite games.


  1. It won't be long before he weights more than uncle connor. hahaha, funny puppy. he's looking like "where's the water?"

  2. Awww that is neat! I know my dogs love visiting dogs and playtime!

  3. Playtime for Connor and the new pupster, Bruno. So much fun to watch. I hope you had a stress free 4th. I've come to dread the evening because of the fireworks and the firecrackers that get set off in the neighborhood. Illegal in California, but they still do it. Always glad when its over. Not even sure the Thundershirt helps my Tessa, but the drug the dr prescribed and the fact that she is becoming a bit hard of hearing ( at 11) may help.
    This puppy is just adorable. Glad he remains in the neighborhood.

  4. Hello? Are you not missing someone? Momma Bess? Where is she? You KNOW she LOVES to play with her puppy Bruno!! Just so you all know, Kelsey, Bess, and I go hiking with Bruno and his human mom about four days every week!!!

  5. How cute! Loved the water dish splashing:)

  6. Bruno is something. It's so nice that he is nearby. Having Connor for a teacher is such a good thing.
