My Shop

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Round and Round the Merry-Go-Round

Ramsey and Albert have broken the play barrier.  I think Ben gets all the credit for teaching Ramsey how to play.  Lord knows it took awhile, but Ben's patience has paid off and Al is certainly enjoying the fruits of Ben's labor. 

I told Ramsey that he better work on his stamina since he now has to play with Ben AND Albert.


  1. Albert look pretty alarmed when Ramsey reared!

  2. I love how they play my geldings used to rear and charge and chase like no one's business now the gals do get their dander up and race about once in a while, but it isn't as fun to watch!

  3. That reminds me of Guinness and Ridley playing. It’s adorable

  4. Oooooh, I’m dizzy. “Donkadorable”

  5. I hope Ben won’t be left out now that Al has joined in the fun!

  6. Love that Ramsey has playmates/buddies. Free entertainment for you too!
