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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Happy Donkey Day

May 8th is World Donkey Day, have you hugged a donkey today?  If not, you can send virtual hugs to Ben, which is actually what he prefers unless you are on his super, super short list of people (well, one person to be accurate) allowed to hug him.  If you are not on that list, you may find that he tip-toes off to hide in the barn if he feels in danger of any unsanctioned hugging.  Virtual hugs are tolerated.

If you are in need of a real donkey hug to celebrate World Donkey Day, then it is always best to turn to Ramsey, the Official Donkey Ambassador.  He demands accepts hugs from everyone who visits, whether you want one or not. 

And for those who like a bit of a challenge with a sweet, cuddly reward at the end, you can spend some time convincing Emma that you are huggable.  Don't expect an easy conquest, but patience and kindness will be well rewarded.

And for the donkeys themselves....they are happy that World Donkey Day coincided with brush-clearing day.


  1. Ben, Ramsey and Emma.......I'm sending you all lots of hugs!!!

  2. Hugs to all and ear rubs too!

  3. For Ramsey, I wish I could give and get a real hug.
    I get it Ben and Emma. One must know a person a bit better.
    To you all Happy World Donkey Day. You are Ll so loved
