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Monday, February 26, 2018

Small Lives

It is hard to blog when the world is tearing itself apart.  It is hard to write funny stories or share the trials, tribulations and triumphs of a small, quiet life when the rest of the world is facing raging wildfires, hurricanes, floods, disease.  Shootings.

There has been an awful lot of that in the past year and with every new tragedy, the words that describe the latest bit of farm trivia get scattered and fly away like ash in the wind.  What is left behind is a void filled with helplessness, rage, anger, sorrow - all the dark things that take up so much space and energy yet fail to fill that void.  I feel the hammer blow of all these dark tides and I try to shield myself from them while still feeling empathy and sympathy for those suffering through them.  It is a hard balance. 

Added to that are the smaller poisons of a toxic workplace, the bleak days of deep winter and the daily regimen that you have to endure this time of year rather than enjoy.  I have a thousand blog posts swirling around in my head, cluttering things up.  It would be better if I just wrote them down and got all that noise out of my head, but I've had a bad case of the why-bothers lately. 

I'm trying to regain that balance and remember why I bother.  I believe in small things like leading by example and doing my best even in the face of indifference.  I believe in the value of small, ordinary lives lived as well as possible. 

And so...I reach for all the little trivialities that push back the dark.  The small things that actually do fill the void.  The little moments of goofiness that lighten the day's burden....

The knowledge that the peace that so eludes the wider world can be found in small, quiet corners....

That I can't provide safety and happiness for many, but I can for a few.

That there is value in things that so many find useless.

I can't fix the big problems, but I can still celebrate the small, good things like when a friend gets the puppy she has always wanted to have. 


  1. WE have to keep on keeping on thanks for the pictures they make me smile:)

  2. I've been feeling the same way; it helps to know I'm not alone.

  3. I hear you on the why bother. For me it’s because I’m not going to let the hate win. Even if it’s just me. This time of year is hard- too much winter and not enough sunshine. I am fortunate that my workplace is not toxic - that would make it really hard. My husband is dealing with that and I see the toll that it takes.

    That puppy is so adorable though.

  4. I get it.... Every single day I wonder what else can happen. It's very hard to ignore what is going on in our country and it's time for all of us to stand up for something that is better. Even tho we may be limited by how much we can do, it can't be ignored. Like you, I make sure that I continue to give my very best to what is around me. It's obvious that you care about the big picture and the impact has been felt by so many others. The sun is supposed to come out today and I am going to really appreciate it.

  5. Yes; we must celebrate the small, good things. The funny things. Or we will all go bonkers. Spring is coming, just a bit slowly.

  6. The world is a crazy place. I just try to do my part and that's all I can do too.
    Love that puppy. It looks huge. The gang looks happy, healthy and cute.

  7. Sometimes a small candle flame is enough to provide hope...or at least peace. For you to focus on or even for you to light for us. I don't think it's bad to just decide to be a sheep or a donkey and do our best to appreciate and protect our smaller worlds.

  8. Please keep sharing your small, quiet corners. They are the kinds of things that I need to see to keep going forward in this thing called life. They are reminders that there is still good in this world.

    Thank you,


  9. While I hope you never feel obligated to blog for those of us who enjoy reading what you write, your posts help me temporarily escape the terribleness out there. I love reading about the donkeys and dogs and how you problem-solve and MacGyver things in your life, and I enjoy learning new things when you educate us about hoof issues etc. So thank you for finding ways to blog when it's difficult!

  10. I like my small life. I like hiding in my little corner of the world from the big bad things. It's selfish I know but it's my self preservation.

  11. Sometimes you need to focus on the simpler things in life. The little things. Or face going Mad with despair. When all hell is breaking loose we need to find one thing in our lives to make us happy and try one thing to make the world a better place. There are children getting killed by bombs everyday but we can try to do maybe do something for a child here to make their lives better. Sometimes smile g at someone you never met can brighten their day and let them know they are visible and they matter. Alot of I turn to my dogs to hug and try not to cry about the bigger scarier things going on In The world. We all must do things to keep ourselves out of the Darkness of depression. Let's just hope they are wholesome good things. So go on and write about what your feeling. Nobody says you have to post it maybe keep it in a private journal but write it as if you telling us.

  12. So many of us in the same boat Kris...You expressed it so well. Love your blogs and your photos. Miss you...If you ever feel the urge for a road trip.....I welcome you anytime!!! Hang in!!!

  13. Your beautiful pictures, thoughtful words and cute donkeys are always a welcome respite from the rest of the world. They matter because they are good things and worth celebrating.

  14. Beautifully written as to the helplessness and despair. Small pleasures abound. Your sweet donkeys face and the peacefulness at your farm help me feel cozy and comfy.the puppy? Adorable. More pix of the sweet puppy. We can all succumb to the joy of a brand new puppy in someone’s life.
    Thank you.

  15. All hail donkey noses! <3

  16. What an adorable puppy with her toy duckie! I feel you on the state of things. I'm sure you've heard the story of the starfish on the beach, but in case you haven't, here it is: A man got up early in the morning and went down to the beach only to find it littered with starfish. There were thousands of them. He picked one up and tossed it back into the water, then took another and did the same thing. Another man came walking down the beach and said to him, "Why bother doing that? You'll never get to them all--what you're doing is so small that it just doesn't matter." The first man looked up with a starfish in his hand and just before he tossed it back into the water, he said, "To this one it does."

  17. Selfishly your blogs and pictures sure do brighten and lift up my moods and i feel for you when things get rough. Knowing you have some amazing love from your gang i believe all shall be right. thank you for sharing <3

  18. "Be the change you want to see in the world" - easy to say, sometimes very hard to do, but thank you for trying and know that your blog brightens many people's days in ways that you probably will never know.

  19. Of course all I think of right now are puppies and filling the empty space I have...

  20. Those are the things I believe in too, and it is one of the reasons why I love your blog and others like it. <3 (Tina from Oz here.)
