My Shop

Monday, January 1, 2018

Turning the Page

So...another year has come and gone.  Time to start looking forward to whatever the new year will bring.

Time to stop trying to hold back the flow of days.

Time to push past whatever obstacles might be in your way.

Time to leap forward and take action.

Embrace whatever comes your way.

Seize every ear rub advantage. can ignore all the hoopla, relax on the couch and just don't worry about the turning of another calendar page.

Either way, 
Happy New Year!


  1. Wishing you a good year, Kris; to you and all your four legged friends. Conner lays down in the snow; sounds pretty iffy to me - brrr. Rebecca2

  2. Happy New Year Kris! Thank you for keeping up the blog. You’re part of my morning ritual that sustains and educates and delights me. Cheers to you, Emma, Ramsey, Ben, Connor and Fat Cat Mouser!

  3. Happy New Year! You and the new camera are taking great pictures.

  4. Happy New Year to you & the fuzzy guys-n-gals!!

  5. Happy New Year To you and yours . Your photos are just great. Keep warm, happy and healthy

  6. From my crew to yours -- glad tidings for a new year.

  7. Happy New Year. I hope you actually got a pig!

    1. The pigs are over at Farm Buddy's place. There are always a couple of them over there. No pigs here though, i don't really need to have my whole farm rototilled:)

  8. Never turn down the offer of rubbing.
    Happy New Year!
