My Shop

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Stare

These don't think that the very little bit of grass they get each day is enough and let me know frequently that they are displeased.  Can you feel the stare?  They are making the paint peel off the front of my house.

This one thinks that anything less than 500 frisbee throws per day is insufficient.  I'm sure you can feel this stare. 

There should even be frisbees in the woods to hunt, but squirrels will do.

And this one thinks the chef should be serving 6 meals per day.

I hope that all of my California friends and readers are OK in these awful fires.  It seems like this year has been one long disaster and I wish there was more that I could do. 

Be safe.


  1. I am familiar with all of those stares. You have to have a thick skin.

  2. Animals definitely look with intent!

  3. Thank you for your thoughts. I spent a good portion of the day at Del Mar. support is terrific, but help will be necessary for a very long time. And of course Ventura,Sylmar Other rural areas. So much loss of beloved animals , homes
    Too unbearable. . We are safe in Carlsbad, but these fires and the wind just make me so apprehensive,

    1. Thank you for checking in and letting us know you are safe. I would be a nervous wreck in your place. I hope your area continues to remain untouched and the fires are brought under control.

  4. Thanks for thinking of us on the West Coast. We are safe here so far but it is an edgy, uncomfortable time. Santa Rosa, Napa and Sonoma north of us was hard hit and just south of us Ventura and Ojai suffered the same extreme wind and fire conditions. Our friend in Bonsall, near the horse training facility so sadly affected outside San Diego, is sure his house is gone but he hasn't been allowed back in to check.

    1. I am glad to hear you are safe, thanks for letting us know. I am sure it must be terrifying for you. It makes me nervous and I'm 3000 miles away.

  5. Love it. The stare. I get that a lot. The stare from Morris makes me feel as though he is trying to mindmeld. However, I find nothing there but kibbles and steaks. Hmmm. Siera send images of hay and sweet feed.

  6. All you need is a pack of beagles (ask me how I know) that are howling and screeching to remind you to bring them their morning hotdog :)
