My Shop

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fall Frenzy

I took this last week off from my job in order to do some real work and to try and finish all the many projects I got myself into this Fall.  Despite the nice weather we have had, I can feel the icy breath of Old Man Winter breathing down my neck.  I am sore, tired and the past week is already fading into a blur, but I did get a lot done....

Finished the roof:

Two out of three sides:

Re-leveled and replaced the posts, repaired the windows and got them closed for the season, (just in time):

Rain gutter, I hope it survives the snow, but I have my doubts:

Very sweet new farrier client who came up suddenly lame a couple weeks ago with laminitis trouble.  She got a trim and wraps followed by bloodwork and padded hoof casts.  Glad to say Rosie is feeling better and will, hopefully, continue on to a complete recovery.  She has a super cute donkey boyfriend named Al who is lending his donkey healing vibes so she is in good hands.

  • A sheep sorting chute in FB's barn
  • A day working with Tessa and Riding Buddy because Tessa's brain has turned into mush living with her new boyfriend.  Isn't that always the way?
It is now pouring rain with up to 5 inches predicted for tonight and tomorrow with high winds.  All the new gravel, gutters, posts, siding and roofing will be getting a good test.  Old Man Winter is closing in fast.


  1. Wow- that is a lot of work! We're also going to get the rain- which I don't care about but the high winds are always a concern.

  2. Mush brain? Is she in love? LOL. I do hope the weather holds off, I know we had our killer frost yesterday and now the cold has come to stay.
    We have so much to do in the next 3 weeks. How could we have put it off?

  3. I seriously envy the tractor shed; I have been begging for just such a one for my horse trailer and the flatdeck, neither of which belong outdoors when not in use (my beautiful horse trailer!!). Mr Shoes' tractor though? Kubota lives in the barn aisle. Apparently, HE is delicate. :-/

  4. Brava to the hard worker. Send me a little of your energy please.
