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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Flowers for Lucy

For Lucy and Carson at The7MSN Ranch because what else is there to say?

I know Lucy will be greatly missed by all of us who got to share her story and far, far more by Carson, George and Alan.  All of us at The Dancing Donkey are sorry to see Lucy go and we send our deepest condolences.

It's been a tough week.  Goodbye Lucy, Maggie and Jeff.  You all left too soon.


  1. I saw that Lucy had passed. It is heart breaking. I hope that Carson gets an answer.

  2. Thanks for this post. I didn't comment for Linda for this very reason; what else is there to say.

  3. This is perfect. I'm so sad this morning.

  4. Most thoughtful of you, and I wish I could send some of my Hopi sunflowers that are FINALLY blooming!

  5. Thank-you for doing this - pictures are worth a thousand words.

  6. Thanks, Kris. I'm certain Lucy would have enjoyed eating every single blossom.

  7. Hi Linda, good to see your sense of humour is surviving. xxx Els from Amsterdam
