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Friday, June 30, 2017

How did that happen?

Sorry I dropped off the face of the blog planet for a while.  I can't even give you a good reason why other than brain fatigue, insanity at work, lack of vitamin M (for motivation)....I don't have any good excuses other than - it's summer??

We are all still alive and well and the donkeys are here to prove it, although, watching this video, I see that I have to get even meaner about the donkey diet.  That should go over well:)

I will try to do better.  I know this weekend will be full of travel and craziness for many people.  Have a fun and safe holiday and look out for your animals because this week is hard on them.  I know I will be here on my hill trying to convince my border collie that we are not under attack.  I know he won't believe me and, given how crazy the world is these days, it keeps getting harder and harder to prove that we aren't.


  1. Enjoy your weekend. We're staying home too - with all the fireworks for Canada day I don't like to go far in case our neighbours do something stupid.

  2. Kris, I have only been blogging sporadically, but am going to keep at it. I am glsd you do, too!

  3. Right there with you :-(. Fireworks...

  4. We have dances tonight and tomorrow night. But will be staying home on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We hate to travel on big holidays.

    Ramsey is full of it. Such a brat. Poor ol Emma, he probably worry warts her to death. Ben is looking good.

    They are like matter how hard I try to lose weight - I stay fluffy.

    Happy 4th. Glad things are okay. Take care,

  5. Good Good to see you! Summer sure is the busy season!
