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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

An Hour in the Life of a Frisbee


  1. I can so identify with your frisbee situation! My Lab/st Bernard is really rough on hers and they last only a few minutes before there is a hole
    punctured in a brand new frisbee! Have yet to find a tough enough brand to last very long in our yard.

  2. You silly beautiful border collie. My Country was part border collie. They are so smart and athletic. I miss her so much.

    She loved to herd our horses. Great for moving the neighbors cows back to their own pasture when they escape to ours.

  3. I guess SOMEBODY didn't yet find the good black Frisbee. Luckily for Connor, Kelsey has located the orange Frisbee, and of course, she still has HER good black Frisbee.

  4. Oh, Conner, Conner, Conner - - you're going to bankrupt your mom buying you Frisbees! What is that yellow stuff on the barn floor?

    1. That is clean sawdust for bedding. Ramsey gets bed sores without deep bedding:)

  5. Guinness loves his frisbee. I'm amazed it's lasted as long as it has!

  6. Good Job Connor - You keep life so very interesting. Such a beautiful boy.

  7. I see that is a Kong Frisbee, I thought they were supposed to last! LOL!

  8. Kate says "Is that the best you can do?" ;-D
