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Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Different Sort of Dog

The stray dog spent the night in my hay shed for lack of any other option.  I suspect that I could have just left her loose, but I didn't want to chance it.  She had a cushy bed to sleep on just out of sight and she was very happy there.

I tried to take her with us when Connor and I went on a walk this afternoon and she was very good on the leash, she never pulled or left my side.

We didn't really get far though because this is what she thought of being out in the woods just for exercise....

I found dozens more ticks on her this morning despite dosing her with Vectra yesterday and she was also just plain filthy so a bath was next on the agenda.

I will concede that bathing a Boxer is much easier than a Border Collie.

Once clean, she was much more pet-able.

She really loves attention and is very sweet.

Rebecca had it right when she commented that any dog who would let me pull quills, catch her in the woods and stuff her in a crate is a sound dog.  It's true, this is a very sound, nice dog.

After her bath, "hike" and another small meal, I got brave enough to let her off the lead for a bit.  She checked everything out, but showed no signs of wanting to leave.

She did show a tiny bit of interest in the Frisbee....

...but she is a whole different kind of Frisbee dog from Connor.

She is now lying on the floor next to me as I type this.  There may be some more excitement for her tomorrow, I will keep you posted.  For now, I will let sleeping dogs lie.


  1. Aw- I'm glad that she's so sweet.

  2. Kris, bless you...she is a doll!

  3. She is a very sweet dog indeed. I imagine those quills were very painful for her.

    Happy weekend.


  4. She continues to show signs of being a sound dog, and adds just a dash of nobility.

  5. What a beauty of a dog. I hope the owners see this, or...that she finds a place in someone's heart.
    Can't wait for the update.

  6. I'll bet when she has had some good food, rest and security, she'll perk right up and give Connor a run for his money with that Frisbee!

  7. Bless you Kris, you are such an angel for helping this dog. I noticed that her whiskers have been trimmed - that sounds like something a groomer would do, right? Maybe she has a concerned owner out there somewhere.

    BYW, Did that 'Mrs.Skinner' person who left a comment get in touch with you?

    1. I think she broke most of her whiskers off trying to get rid of the quills.

  8. You're killing me! Now you have another critter I'm falling in love with. Those close-ups were too much.
    I'm singing the same song as some of your other commenters -- you're a good person, Kris.

  9. Such a sweet face on that girl. Something tells me your family may have just grown by one. Thank you for reaching out to save a helpless soul. ♥♥
