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Monday, January 2, 2017

The 24 Hour Mark

We hit the 24 hour mark in antibiotic treatment this morning and Ben started to show some improvement.

A rare bit of sunshine didn't hurt.

By this evening, at 36 hours, there is definite improvement.  I am thrilled by this, but also a bit depressed and scared.  I am certain now that this whole episode is Lyme disease.


That adds up to a 100% infection rate for this property.  What the hell am I supposed to do about that?  Nukes really do seem like the only answer.

Happy New Year.


  1. We have Lyme here also. Morris .. the dog and I have both been infected. I don't know the answer to how to keep it from happening. I'm pretty sure there isn't a vaccine for it for equine? I think you wrote about that already.
    That little tiny tick is a bugger to spot on a dog, I'm not sure you could find one on an equine.
    Will you have Ben tested?

  2. I know you can't undo what is, but, have you thought about getting ginny (sp) hensl I know they can be a 'pain' & they're almost as bad as keeping peacocks, BUT, they eat ticks. Good luck. By the way, I think 'nukes' would upset your neighbors. Sandy L in CAL.

  3. Can the vets tell from a blood test? I'm so sorry.

  4. I'm so sorry you're having this kind of trouble - again. I am no help because we've never had to deal with that and don't think it's very common around here. I sure hope the donkey will have a complete recovery and hope for all your sakes that they develop some sort of immunity.

  5. I am sorry that this is happening!

  6. In my ignorance, I thought you would be safe from tick bites in the Winter. So sorry.

  7. I am so sorry to hear of your news of Lyme Disease for sweet Ben. Just hate the buggers that cause so much illness and stress . Being out here in Carlsbad, I know we have ticks, but I've been fortunate with my dog. She is pretty much a city dog with a very big back yard. He is under your excellent care and I hope he has passed the critical stage. Power up Ben and I wish you all wellness. I can relate to how you think a "nuke" would be of assistance.

  8. I am so sorry to hear of your news of Lyme Disease for sweet Ben. Just hate the buggers that cause so much illness and stress . Being out here in Carlsbad, I know we have ticks, but I've been fortunate with my dog. She is pretty much a city dog with a very big back yard. He is under your excellent care and I hope he has passed the critical stage. Power up Ben and I wish you all wellness. I can relate to how you think a "nuke" would be of assistance.

  9. So glad he is better and that there is some sunshine. Maybe a move to Montana? LOL I sure am glad that we are not affected by that.

  10. Poor Ben. At least you can hope he will recover like the others did. Your fast work in spotting it and treating it early will have helped a lot. Do you think the vaccinations have helped the others not to get it again?

  11. I've been reading that possums are very effective tick eating machines. Do you have possums where you live? can come get some of mine....
