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Friday, December 30, 2016

The Old Man

Fourteen Christmases and still going strong.

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas as much as the dogs did.


  1. They look like they are all having a great time. Congrats on the Old Man. None of my big furry friends have ever made it to 14. More's the pity.

  2. 14! What an accomplishment by man and beast!

  3. We had a very calm and quiet and WARM 70F Christmas. Growing up the Chicago area and living for a while in the Colorado Rockies I miss snow sometimes. Especially at Christmas.

  4. He looks so very handsome and fit!!! Good on him and his wonderful caretaker. Quiet in Carlsbad, California - I do love seeing the snow in your photos. Looks like you have plenty to share with those of us who rarely see it!!! Happy New Year.

  5. Wonderful! My old man is now 13. He still seems to have the guts to rock 'n roll when the weather is decent outside!
