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Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Annual Fudge Giveaway

It's that time of year when everyone gets some of my All Purpose Holiday Fudge and I would, once again, like to give all of you a chance to try some.  Just leave a comment on this post and the donkeys and I will pick some winners in a few days.  Good luck!


  1. The fudge looks yummy, thank you for being so generous. We have two miniature donkeys out here in Southern Oregon so I find your blog interesting and useful as well as enjoyable reading.

  2. Happy Holidays to you and your animals. Your blog always makes my days brighter!

  3. Happy Holidays to you and all your wonderful animals! I always look forward to your posts and photos of your farm family.

  4. Thanks for the fudge giveaway. I enjoy your blog.

  5. I love your blog and extended family (two and four footed). We have a rescued mini donkey, Molly, who is such a stoic lover. She came to us in very bad shape and may never be totally sound but she is happy. We got lucky and found a farrier who works with rescued donkeys and she is willing to travel 3 hours round trip every 6 weeks. I have learned a lot about hoof care from reading your blog. Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  6. I enjoy your blog because I love your animals and I can live vicariously on a country farm - minus the snow in Carlsbad, California. And yes, your fudge looks super yummy! Have a wonderful Christmas holiday and hoping it is a milder winter.

  7. Merry Christmas to all!
    And a special hug to Ramsey <3

  8. I do not deserve my name being put in the pot since I don't leave comments like I used to. I probably drove you crazy asking questions and talking about putting up a fence. I do still look in at that sweet Ramsey and his mom. A donkey is at the top of my Christmas list again this year, but as usual I am not expecting to get one. Just wanted to say that I know how delicious your fudge is...I won a big block a couple of years ago and it was delicious! Merry Christmas!

  9. You are like my morning coffee...I never start a day with out you and your friends!!Christmas Greetings from Newfield NY!!

  10. Merry Christmas, I love your blog and wish you and your animals wonderful things for always.

  11. It does look delicious. Chocolate is my husband's favorite.

  12. Merry Christmas, Kris and to all your furry friends. But don't put my comment in the mix, because I won it last year. Delicious!

  13. I've had that wonderful fudge and wow was it ever good! Please pick someone who has not had it!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  14. omahgoodness - would love to win some homemade fudge. thank you for the chance. --suz in ohio

  15. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing all that go on!

  16. I love reading your blog during my lunch break! Merry Christmas!

  17. I can't eat fudge, but wanted to add to the comment section anyway. Such a wonderful blog!
