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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

And Then the Sun Came Out

I didn't mean to disappear like that.

There is just noting much beyond survival going on at the moment and it has been so relentlessly dark and bleak that I seem to have lost all my words.

I have also felt the need to avoid computers lately.  I am working on a computer based course that I am finding rather a slog - very similar to trudging through half frozen mud in the deep, dark grey of December.

To add insult to that, the hospital where I work has just "upgraded" the lab software.

Is there any other term so false and misleading as the word "upgrade" has become?

This latest "upgrade" requires yet more time fighting with software so poorly designed and onerous that slogging through half frozen mud actually sounds fun in comparison.

As always, the hospital opted for the cheapest up-front option that will ultimately cost a fortune in lost productivity and decreased patient care.

But I really don't want to talk about the problems of modern day healthcare.  I know I don't have enough words for that - or perhaps too many.

The sun finally made a brief appearance this afternoon and I took some time to walk away from all things computer related to go out and get some reminders of why I am still here.

I will try to keep finding words.  A little bit of sun does help.


  1. Your pictures made me feel better! Keep your chin up!

  2. 'Upgrade' yea right. What an oxymoron. But you did get some sunshine and you have those wonderful equine nose to pet and kiss! Those make it worth it. Right?

  3. Such beautiful, lucky animals. I hope they are able to share their peace with you.

  4. It's hard once winter closes in! And I hear you on the software 'upgrades'!

  5. As you sloig your way through dark December Days, I have to guard myself against my thoughts of the coming July heat in this desert. I can ruin a perfectly good, bright December day, by brooding about the coming Summer. This, too, shall pass.

  6. I think you feel the same way about winter as I do. I'm going to get a "dawn simulator" and see if that helps. A doctor told me it helps regulate the circadian rhythm, so it's not quite the same as lights for SAD, which I haven't been very good about using. Winter sucks! Especially so now that I can't go get my donkey due to snow. :(

  7. Yes when we upgraded to 'new' software it was already 6 yrs past the production date.

  8. Friends and animals: these are the real shields against the winter horrors. Joe makes himself feel better by announcing (every day) " On December 21st the days start getting longer"! It's one person's consolation. :)

  9. Hi. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I think you're awesome and I really appreciate you! <3

  10. Well crap, I lost your words too lol!! I wondered why I had not seen any blog posts from you for a while now. Now I know...the damn computer gremlins ate your feed right off on my reading list!! I wonder how many more dissapeared? Definitely adding you back on, because your words & animals are beautiful. I want to hear what you say, when you find them. It's okay to shift. Too much computer time isn't good for anyone. When I feel this way I bundle up for walks in woods, even if short. Burn more oils & find myself grounding inward. My yoga and horse time diminishes in the winter, but it becomes more meaningful. Soft knickers & fuzzy muzzles certainly help whatever ails you, and yes - more sunshine.

  11. Sis works in IT project development and one of her big beefs is that both her higher ups and clients want the cosmetic fix to existing things that then end up crappy and cost more due to never-ending problems and support needed, instead of tailor-making a system that would be perfect. Such is modern life I guess. I just had a pretty good medical experience but even here in Oz there are two systems running, and if i hadn't been paying expensive private health cover for many years, I wouldn't have had the prompt and efficient experience that I did. The food, though, my god the food! Horrible!
