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Monday, November 21, 2016

The Good Old Days

Dreaming of better days - as in, two days ago when we didn't have two feet of snow.


  1. UGH, that's all I can say. Sorry for you!

  2. Oh my word, you have 2 feet of snow already!? And I've been complaining loudly and often about our's been hella wet and warm here. It makes me cranky. Hope it goes away soon. I love your donkey herd, they always make me smile.

  3. Crap. I just saw on the news that somewhere in Upstate NY (Rochester?) got 40" of snow!! Sheesh.
    Stay warm, dry and safe.

  4. That is a great pic of Bess, and Connor is looking very grown up and handsome in his shot. As to snow, well, I've never seen it in real life, except far way on top of a mountain when holidaying in Scotland, so I can't comment. :)

  5. I hear you on that one, loud & clear! Somehow, having to don an enormous parka, hats, & mitts makes the chores seem like a lot more hard work.
