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Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Special Day

Another guest post from Farm Buddy:

Hello Blog Readers, today is a special day…

Scout’s birthday!!! 
In case you forgot, Scout is Tanner’s brother, one of seven special Border collie pups born in 2002.  Of course, Scout was the pick of the litter, since I picked him!!  

He is not one or two or three or four or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten or eleven or twelve or thirteen, but FOURTEEN years old today!!!!!!!  

Is that amazing or what?  He is still in great shape, and to prove it, he went on a great hike with Kris, Connor, Kelsey, Bess and I.  

Actually, we planned a great hike, but the trail looked like it had been hit by a tornado, as there were blown-down trees everywhere.  I end up trying to carry Scout over a swampy area, where I promptly tripped, dropping him in very cold water, but tough guy that he is; he shook it off and bulldozed his way through the messy trail.  

After the hiking trip, we left the other dogs at my farm and took Scout on a special trip to town, where I bought him some cookies that we shared.  Tonight, he had meatballs made with the farm’s grass-fed beef, milk and eggs.  Of course, he eats special meals like this every day!  

I did my best to persuade Kris to get excellent photographs of Scout throughout the day.  We will see what she came up with!  (Since it was an extremely grey, bleak, sunless day, I did not come up with much and Scout was unimpressed.)

Scout and I want to send out a special thanks to Linda, who was responsible for helping Scout be born in the first place!  One of Scout’s brothers, Moss, is also lucky enough to be living with Linda, and we wish him a very Happy Birthday as well!!

Lastly, we send birthday wishes to Tanner, as even though he is not here with us, a day does not go by when we don’t think of him. 

Happy Birthday SCOUT and all your brothers!!!!!!


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  2. Happy Birthday! My BC is 12 now but feeling his age.

  3. Happy Birthday Scout! and all your brothers, especially Tanner who we miss.

    And who is that human in the photo?

  4. It looks like Scout had a great birthday....nd the pictures were good!

  5. How lucky you are to still have Scout. Our furry, four footed friends just don't stay with us long enough.

  6. You exceeded my expectations in the photography department!!!! Scout and I say THANKS!

  7. Happy Birthday dear Scout! Your a Border Collie of distinction!

  8. Happy Birthday, Scout, hope you continue to feel as marvellous as you look! (Wish I had photos of my late dogs as beautiful as those above.)

  9. Sounds like Scout had quite a celebration! He is gorgeous!

  10. Happy Birthday Scout fourteen is amazing! :)
