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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Real Adult

Emma turns six today.  A real adult.  All grown up and mature.

You can tell by her delicate, lady-like manners....

Her often serious, quiet demeanor.  

Her flawless grace.

Well, most of the time.  Even a lady has her moments.

Emma can always be relied upon to lead the way....

...and keep out of trouble.

A real adult.  All grown up and mature.

Happy Birthday Emma!


  1. Happy Birthday Emma! I hope you noticed, Emma, that for your present, I stayed away from you today, but don't relax too much, as I will be back to resume barn-cleaning duties tomorrow! I know your biggest present from Kris will be to have her totally recuperate so you won't have to put up with me and my dogs!! Hey, and at least I like you better than Tessa!!

  2. What a display ......such fun going on

  3. Happy Birthday Emma! You have such pretty dapples and you look sleek to me!

  4. Happy Birthday Emma! Only six and so wise! Hugs from your donkey friends on the West coast of Canada!

  5. What pretty girl. Happy birthday Emma!

  6. Happy Birthday Emma! You are so beautiful! Love your Yoga exercises too!

  7. Happy Birthday to you and Get well wishes for Kris

  8. Six years old! It just doesn't seem possible!

    Hope you are feeling better, Kris.
