My Shop

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Donkey treats come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.

The hens are doing well.

They settled right in and are busy trying to take over the farm in their little clucky way.  Chickens are like that.

I'm generally getting 3-5 eggs a day from five hens, which is more than I can eat, but eggs are never hard to find homes for.

I've been giving them treats to train them to go in their coop each evening.  Now they follow me all over trying to "help" with everything.  Donkeys yelling at me on one side of the fence, chickens clucking on the other - the best laid plans....

It was too hot to do anything useful outside on Sunday so I finally did something with the huge bag a rhubarb I had cut the week before - wild blueberry/rhubarb jam.  Best jam ever.  Although, this batch did suffer through several last minute changes of plan and maybe has a bit more rhubarb than blueberries.  Still, pretty darn good.

This is what happens when mice get into a bee hive.  It generally only happens when a hive is weak or it is too cold for the bees to defend themselves.  Mice can just destroy a hive.  Lots of things can destroy a hive.

Several people wondered about the big rock with the iris' and dratted cat.  This was one of the "little" stones that we dug up when I had the excavation work done for my house.  The clean out for the septic tank is directly under the pale colored flowers next to the rock.  Unglamorous, but necessary.

The contractor told me not to let anyone drive over it so I told him to put the rock just next to it.  Like I'd ever remember where it is without a marker, right?

The rock is right in the center of my backyard and I had envisioned a small flower and rock garden with a bird feeding station and the bird bath.  I've planted umpteen flowers around it, but the iris' are the only thing that has ever survived.  As for the bird feeding.... laid plans and all that.


  1. I think you have a promising future as a hen portrait photographer.

  2. Your culinary skills may be limited but you're very good at the BEST products: jam and fudge!

  3. Had to laugh. The chickens following you around the yard. I just LOVE the photo of the kitty on the rock------"Mine, all mine."

  4. I'm glad that the chickens are doing well. I LOVE the photo of your cat resting on the stone. :D

  5. Oh, dear. Kitty cat better get busy working on those mice!

  6. I don't see the little white chicken in the photos. Is it still around?

    1. The little white chicken is fine, he just didn't want his picture taken:)

  7. Dratted cat? I think you could market that picture and make a small fortune......well, at least enough for some donkey feed. Cat food? Love that picture.

  8. I'm way behind in my computer stuff (since it wonked out on me recently), BUT how did I miss you adding chickens. I know what you mean about their helpful personalities. One of mine insists she is my A#1 assistant in manure pick-up - by hopping on the pitchfork.

    And the jam - I'll be right over for a couple of jars. Sounds totally deelish.

    You are way too busy and you're making me feel pretty darn unproductive, Kris. Now stop it!
