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Monday, March 7, 2016

Variations on a Theme

We are supposed to have a couple of very nice days this week and I am taking them off.  I am also taking a few days away from the computer so I probably won't be writing any blog posts either.  If you have 60 degrees and March sun coming your way, I hope you too can get out and soak it up.  It is a rare gift, enjoy it while it lasts.  I'll be back in a bit.


  1. Enjoy the weather we are supposed to have some nice days here too. We call it MUD season.

  2. Neat photos of snow and ice. We shall await your return.

  3. I think you should make a downloadable calendar with your beautiful images - sell them for $3 on Etsy - and use the money for your donkeys! Your images are just so beautiful!

  4. Beautiful shots, but still looks very cold. We've had a very mild winter, no snow, no freezing temps, just rain...lots and lots of rain. What a drag.
    I sure hope you enjoy your time off. I always get itchy for some days off about this time of year too, but I'll wait until we see sunshine again. Have fun on your "mental health days"!

  5. We are almost 2 inches below our normal rain at this point, and it is raining lightly now, but the rain we were supposed to be having the rest of the week has now gone away. I hope you have a great break!

  6. March sun is far from rare here, in fact it's too common for my liking, but I do love those icy photos!

  7. Enjoy your time away! Thanks for the beautiful late winter photos:)
