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Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Memories

This was one of my best presents this year....fifty degrees, sunny and calm.  A beautiful day.

We've been having a beautifully mild Fall and, as far as I am concerned, it can stay this way right till Spring. Of course, last Christmas was the warmest on record that year too, so I am not getting my hopes up.  I am just terribly thankful for every one of these lovely days.

I am also thankful to have another Christmas behind me.  I try hard not to be a scrooge about it and spoil things for others, but I mostly just dread Christmas.  It was always a confused time when I was a child and didn't get much better with adulthood.  My father was a dedicated hippie who randomly dabbled in a variety of religions and recreational drugs, often confusing the two.  My mother was an overworked, disowned daughter of Russian Jews who briefly tried out the hippie life after she committed the terrible sin of getting pregnant while in college.  It made for some rather interesting Christmas memories.

Sometimes we had Christmas, sometimes we didn't.  Sometimes we might have had Christmas, but there was no money for it. It was always a time of confusion and stress.

I am trying to change that and I have had some success.  This year, it was a good day.  A beautiful day spent with all my favorite creatures followed by a nice, easy dinner with good friends.  To me, that is what holidays are meant to be.  There is nothing that says "Christmas" quite like scooping poop on a quiet, sunny day.

I didn't get everything done that I meant to this year.  I didn't get a calendar made like I have in the past few years and I didn't send a single card.  If there is anyone out there feeling neglected or left out, please don't take it personally, I neglected everyone this year.  Everyone except for these guys anyways...

They yell at me if I they think there might be even a chance of neglect.  They aren't chewing on the farm equipment out of hunger, that is just for fun.

I did make several batches of my World Famous All Purpose Holiday Fudge, which I would like to share.   Since I missed Christmas, we will call this New Year's fudge. Just in time to get your New Year's diet off track right from the start:)

If you would like some homemade New Year's fudge, leave a comment on this post and I will draw three winners sometime this weekend. 


  1. I'd love the recipe. Are you going to post it?

  2. Kris, you are not alone on dreading Christmas. It's hard (make that impossible) to completely escape the reasons that make us feel that way. We are bowing out gracefully/saying that difficult two letter word (no) more often, as we try to live our lives. After surviving the last of the uncomfortable Christmas obligations, we went to the barn to ride our horses on Christmas Day. It was the best part, and sooo peaceful! The only gift needed. Unless you ask our horses. They need more then peace, besides hay, they need Christmas carrots! Yes, they got them. Your fudge looks sooo delicious! However please omit my name in the drawing & share with another who may not have enjoyed as many homemade sweets as we have. Have to say, Ramsey looks like he has gotten even bigger while I was away on my blogcation. Maybe it's the winter fuzz, or thinking of him as a youngster. But looking at him in your awesome header, he's all grown up!!

  3. Still plenty of time to make a calendar! I know someone who'd help :-).

  4. I had some fudge last year, so please make sure someone else gets a chance! My Christmas Day was quiet also and very pleasing. I spent some quiet time in the woods. I just don't care for all the hustle and noise of Christmas ... don't get me wrong, I like family and all, just not large groups.

  5. I think you have finally found your "Christmas Groove," scooping poop on a sunny day. Hold that thought! For me, I just love the Christmas Lights. It seems the holiday has little to do with the Christ, so I celebrate Him the other 364 days. Looking forward to your fudge.

  6. Merry Christmas and to a great New Year. Since my kids have grown and out on their own, I've been saying, that I wish we had Christmas every other year. But with a new grandson, he has brought the spirit of the season back. I look forward to your posts in the New Year.

  7. Mmmm! Fudge! Glad you had a peaceful Christmas. I imagine scooping poop can be very relaxing :)

  8. I would love some fudge. Thank you.

  9. I have never been a great celebrator of Christmas. It has become far to materialized. The stress of buying gifts and then hoping you bought something the person will like, ugh. Would skip it all if I could. On to a happier note, loving the pictures of the animals! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I actually dug out your fudge recipe and then didn't get it made! BAD ME! Not that there was lack of chocolate here but hey I have intentions for doing it for Valentine's Day (the day I hate as much as you do Christmas)! :)

  11. I agree with you about Christmas although I do love Christmas lights. It was cold enough to have frost on the roof so that was good weather for the holiday rather than the usual warm winds. I'll throw my name in for a chance of your delicious fudge. Best wishes for all things good in the New Year.

  12. This I simply cannot pass by...but I would have commented anyway. Christmas does become more confusing as it becomes more commercial. We spent a quiet day cleaning the poultry palace and just loving our farm. We are blessed in our life here and Christmas reminds us of how lucky we are.

  13. I'm with you Kris...Not a big fan of the holidaze. Interesting history you have! We need to get together over a bottle of wine some day.... It was lovely to have Christmas day feel like spring time. Scooping poop in shirt sleeves!!!! LOVED it! Sending best wishes for All Good Things for you and yours in the coming year...Love your blog and your photos...keep up the great work...oh yeah...fudge...LOL! Take care.

  14. Now I get "Krishna" :-) There's nothing wrong with taking it easy at Christmas... it sounds like you had a great one. Throw me in the pot for fudge, please, I did not make ONE piece of candy and only one batch of cookies ... oops, make that two, since I ruined one.

  15. Oh my word, your fudge looks amazing! You have been quite busy...count me in! So many people dislike the expectations part of Christmas, the obligations and the gift-giving. What I enjoy is getting together with whoever you enjoy spending time with, the beautiful music, the lights, the tree and the food. :) My family is about as fun to be around as wrestling a wild boer in a blackberry patch is...I keep saying this has been our last. Then next year rolls around...what I'd really like is spending a few days in a remote cabin in the snowy mountains with a couple of dear friends, cooking, playing games, singing, hiking, going on a sleigh ride, chopping and decorating a tree, and drinking hot buttered rums in front of a roaring fire. Now that sounds wonderful to me! I am so happy that you had a nice day, spent in sunshine and the company of those you love.

  16. I adore fudge so I will bite. As for your question about writing- I stumbled on it by accident. A friend works for Atlantic Horse and Pony- a quarterly magazine. She told me that I should write for the magazine and I suggested a humour column. I then submitted an example and what I was thinking and we went from there. I think that you would be very good at writing for a magazine.

  17. I would love some fudge!
